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Sam's Appeal
User that got banned: Sam_says_o_my_gawd

Hi guys, i got perma banned for saying the N word. I was just joking around becuase another teammate used it, and i was just joking around.

I didn't think the mods were taking it seriously because they were just laughing, but it turns out it was a mistake. I'm really sorry, hopefully you guys can give me another chance. I feel it is kind of harsh to give me a perm-ban just for saying the N word. Cellular was the admin who banned me i think, and he will say i was team killing but i only did that a few times as a joke because i got TK'd too.

Hopefully you all will see it fit to lift my perm ban. Sorry, i made a mistake


Edited by Sam on 20-12-2010 00:03
You said the N word RIGHT after I told another player not to say it, you were attacking/killing teamates, and you are banned on your other account.

Sorry, you've had more than enough chances in my eyes.
Edited by IhasAcellular on 20-12-2010 00:28
"Pubbing alone is more depressing than watching a mermaid get choked out with a bike chain"
- Pretzel
1) I didin't hear you say dont say the N word to the other player

2) The other account that got banned was my borther's account, this is one is also, only difference is that this time I got baned :/

3) How does TKing warrant a perm ban? I was just playing around, only Tking people who Tked me, plus another admin said he had been tking for a long time and never got punsihed.

Look, please just give me another chance. I didn't do anything with the intention of offending anyone, and i did not know the N word would promt such a bug reaction. I am honestly sorry, and it wont happen again. Otherwise, why would I be spending this time to appeal? It's not like if i got unbanned i would go tright back and try and get banned again, that would be a waste of my time.

Look, its Christmas, please have some mercy on me. If you unban me, ill donate the reminaing 4.22 needed to meet December's donation goal. Please guys, i'm really sorry, let me prove it won't happen again.

No pancake mix
I do apologize for intruding even though i shouldn't, but i was there during what happened and you did repeatedly attack teammates in maps before and also i heard cellular very clearly about the word which means you should have to, as for the supposed admin, that was just gotcha messing with you...youre a tad gullible but it doesn't really excuse the use of that word (Sorry tiger i know youll end up deleting this)
Edited by No pancake mix on 20-12-2010 04:47
Sam wrote:
1) I didin't hear you say dont say the N word to the other player

2) The other account that got banned was my borther's account, this is one is also, only difference is that this time I got baned :/

3) How does TKing warrant a perm ban? I was just playing around, only Tking people who Tked me, plus another admin said he had been tking for a long time and never got punsihed.

Look, please just give me another chance. I didn't do anything with the intention of offending anyone, and i did not know the N word would promt such a bug reaction. I am honestly sorry, and it wont happen again. Otherwise, why would I be spending this time to appeal? It's not like if i got unbanned i would go tright back and try and get banned again, that would be a waste of my time.

Look, its Christmas, please have some mercy on me. If you unban me, ill donate the reminaing 4.22 needed to meet December's donation goal. Please guys, i'm really sorry, let me prove it won't happen again.


1) I didnt say the N word to another player, I told them NOT to say it...which you obviously heard because you left right after saying it.
2) We've heard "my brother did it! IT WAS MY CAT!" way too many times.
3) Tking doesnt warrant a perma ban. Racism, Tking, and being previously banned does though.

As I said before, we're looking it over, relax for a bit.
"Pubbing alone is more depressing than watching a mermaid get choked out with a bike chain"
- Pretzel
Sam wrote:
1) I didin't hear you say dont say the N word to the other player

I'm saying i didn't hear you say "Don't use that word" to the other player. Yes i left after i used it, but that was because Gotcha and pancakes and other people were like "ooh no you used that word." So i left because i realized my mistake and watned everything to just cool down. Honestly i didn't even know you were on the server, and was supriosed to see on sourcbans that you were the one that banned me, cuz i thought it was pancake.

Also, i'm not saying it was my brother. I'm saying the other account that got banned was my brother's doing, but this one was totally on me. I'm not trying to divert the blame or anything.

Anyways, thanks for looking into it. I'll stop posting.
Tolik the Terrible
You should know without admin even telling you that RACISM IS BAD
N word is against the rules. So it doesn't really matter if someone else says it, why the fuck would you? Are you that much of an idiot?
Sam wrote:
[quote]Mikaa wrote:
N word is against the rules. So it doesn't really matter if someone else says it, why the fuck would you? Are you that much of an idiot?

Where i am from, it isn't considered so much as offensive as a term of bortherhood (I am black...) but it's still a mistake to use it with people who aren't comfortable with it, i admit. I should have read MOTD, so thats my mistake.

Consdiering that when i logged onto the server and was bombarded with prolific cursing and discussion of sex (they were joking around so i didn't really care) and other such arguably offensive behaviour, i didn't consider the server to be one that would mind my language.

It seems a double standard to allow offensive things such as discussion of "up the butt" and literally "F@#king Christ/Mary" such as i was exposed to upon logging onto the server. If the server is truly a family-oriented server, it seems a lot more players should be perma banned like i was.
Edited by Sam on 21-12-2010 02:20
Who said it was a family-oriented server?

Almost anything you say is fine, just don't be racist and be respectful to people.
The funny thong about rules in a clan owned server is that they are entirely up to the clan. Both in definition and application, enforcement of which is widely "unfair" no matter what clan. In this one people way higher up than me don't enjoy racism and this gives our admins a chance to press buttons and boy do they like to press buttons. Especially the banny kind. If this doesn't make sense welcome to the Internet. If this sparks some sort of retaliatory comment then goodbye on behalf of the Internet. This is gaming defined.
[quote]TigerOx wrote:
Who said it was a family-oriented server?

I was contacted by a player afterward who said he was an admin/mod and said that this was a family oriented server and that i coulnd't say those kinds of things on a family server.

I guess he was impersonating an admin then, so never mind that.

Hopefully though, you can understand why i didn't think the term would trigger such a swift reaction given that other arguably offensive things were being said.

Anyways, thanks for considering my appeal.
Just wondering if you'll post here about the deccision; I'd like to know whether i was unbanned, or even if i wasn't, rather then just never get a response.

Thanks, and merry christmas
Judging by the members responses, What do you think?
Edited by Mikaa on 24-12-2010 06:12
i say no , u stay banned wasting time agruing with us about OUR rules on OUR server..
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